The Kickstarter Campaign is LIVE!


We are nearing the mid-way point for our Kickstarter campaign... CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT

Please consider supporting our comic book that celebrates the legacy of a diverse group of artists, illustrators, and storytellers.

The Gathering Place Premiere Issue Cover Design
Specifications: The 20 page premiere issue of The Gathering Place will contain four chapters of story - each chapter will be five pages in length. The 6.75” x 10.75” comic book will be in full colour, on 100lbs paper for the interior pages, and 120lbs cardstock for the exterior cover.

Having the opportunity to combine my career as an arts educator with my love of storytelling and a background in illustration, has allowed me to create The Gathering Place - a collection of short stories profiling Toronto artists, illustrators and storytellers.

The premiere issue of The Gathering Place will contain four chapters, each chapter will capture a moment within the artist’s life that celebrates significant achievements, illustrates important turning points and allows us to develop a greater appreciation for these artists. As the series progresses, each biography will reveal unfamiliar stories about well established artists, and showcase artists who truly deserve a greater moment in the spotlight.

Each issue of The Gathering Place will contain twenty 6.75” x 10.25” full colour pages of story - each chapter being five pages in length.

The illustrations in each chapter have been created in a distinctive style, and have been either watercolor painted or digitally coloured. All to give each story a specific voice to match the mood and themes of those stories.

A Master's Legacy - Work in Progress with Research


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